Area: 1032 sq meters
Design Theme: Modern garden art displayed with Chinese landscape painting
Introduction: The Landscape Garden is designed by Catherine Mosbach, an outstanding French designer of landscape architecture; chief designer at Mosbach Landscape Architecture Firm; founder and chief editor of Pages Paysages; visiting professor at the Graduate School of Pennsylvania Institute of Art and the receiver of the 2003 Rosa Barba European Landscape Design Award as well as the Grand Prize of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). This garden gives visitors the experience of being spectators by expanding the garden's boundaries. It uses the art of Chinese landscape painting and gardening for reference, aiming at creating miniature natural sceneries which is similar in spirit rather than in form. This garden will fully display the traditions of gardening in a modern way in the ecological corridor of Xi'an International Horticultural Expo, 2011.
The only reference to the map of China may have been a container pool/artificial wetland that was in such a geographic shape, but I wonder about the rest of the garden and what it may mean. Specific tiny paths, uncomfortable material groundcover and an overhead spray system (that fed water to the artificial wetland) were all things that you either wanted to avoid or quickly run away from.